EGT at ICE Barcelona 2025: Get ready to be stunned
20 Jan 2025EGT is prepared to make a long-lasting impression on visitors at ICE 2025, which will be held in Barcelona for the first time. The Bulgarian manufacturer of gaming equipment will showcase its compelling selection of bestsellers and high-potential new developments at one of the largest stands at the exhibition 3F30. Among the novelties that will arouse the greatest interest will be 2 brand-new slot cabinets – 32-32 St and 32-32 Up. These models will certainly not go unnoticed by the event guests. On display will be the newest addition to the company’s jackpot family – the 4-level Asian-themed Zhao Cai Shuang Yu. It will reveal the astonishing world of its 2 games, Prosperity Strike and Rising Coins. The attendees will also be able to see and test the latest multigames from the Supreme Selection slot series. The Mega Supreme Fruits, Supreme Red, and Supreme Buy Bonus Prize Selection will present a lot of new slot titles, offering a perfect mix of fascinating themes, attractive bonus features, and great entertainment. EGT will show its newest ETG developments as well. Among them will be the 32 T terminal, which will make its debut during the show. It will complement the company’s rich portfolio of ETG products, which are the preferred choice in numerous gaming venues around the world. Expanding its offering, EGT will present the Supreme Series of game mixes, currently including the Supreme Roulette Union and Supreme Green Union multigames. Focusing exclusively on roulette, the Supreme Roulette Union blends the excitement of classic roulette gameplay with innovative jackpot systems and versatile features. Supreme Green Union combines popular games from the company’s portfolio with roulette, Keno, Baccarat, and Blackjack, offering players a unique and engaging experience. Numerous new AWP and VLT products, created specifically for different markets, will also be at the visitors’ disposal, as well as the casino management system Spider, which will show its latest modules. EGT Digital will also present its vast array of iGaming solutions, including instant and casino games, jackpots, and its in-house developed “all-in-one” betting platform X-Nave. Nadia Popova, Chief Revenue Officer and VP Sales & Marketing at EGT, commented: “ICE is a very important event for us, which gives us the opportunity to meet with industry professionals from all over the world. We will welcome our current and potential new customers and partners at our stand to present them all new products from our portfolio, divided into zones, covering all gaming verticals. I believe in the positive potential of changes. That is why I think that the relocation of the show to Barcelona will open new business horizons and bring many opportunities for building fruitful partnerships, for which we as a company are ready.“
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Nadia Popova, Glavni direktor za prihod i potpredsednik za prodaju i marketing u kompaniji EGT: "EGT i EGT Digital će predstaviti dobro uspostavljene vrhunske izvođače zajedno sa svojim najnovijim razvojima na G2E."
03 Oct 2023“Kompanije EGT i EGT Digital će predstaviti dobro uspostavljene vrhunske izvođače zajedno sa svojim najnovijim razvojima na G2E“, kaže gospođa Nadia Popova, glavna direktorka za prihod i potpredsednica za prodaju i marketing u kompaniji EGT, u intervjuu za Yogonet.
Ona nam daje uvid u proizvode kompanija EGT i EGT Digital za ovaj sajam, govori o velikom značaju nominacije kompanije EGT na ovogodišnjem izdanju GGA takmičenja, najnovijim nadogradnjama i funkcijama X-Nave platforme, kao i o tržištima od strateškog značaja za obe kompanije.
Odgovore na ova i još pitanja možete pronaći ovde.
Bugarski provajder igara Euro Games Technology (EGT) i njegova podružnica za iGaming, EGT Digital, prisustvovaće ovogodišnjem iščekivanom događaju G2E Las Vegas, zakazanom od 10. do 12. oktobra. Pre događaja, glavna direktorka za prihod i potpredsednica za prodaju i marketing kompanije, Nadia Popova, dala je ekskluzivan intervju za Yogonet o tome šta se može očekivati od poslovanja na ovom velikom sajmu.
U intervjuu, Popova nam daje uvid u to šta će EGT i EGT Digital predstaviti ove godine, diskutuje o portfoliju proizvoda kompanije za lokalnu publiku, i o njihovoj nominaciji za ovogodišnji GGA Las Vegas. Takođe deli informacije o jackpot rešenjima koja će EGT predstaviti na događaju, i mnogo više.
Možete li nam pružiti pregled prisustva i angažovanja EGT i EGT Digital na ovogodišnjem G2E?
Na ovogodišnjem izdanju G2E Las Vegas, EGT i EGT Digital će predstaviti selekciju proizvoda koja sadrži dobro establirane vrhunske izvođače zajedno sa najnovijim visoko potencijalnim razvojima.
EGT će prvi put predstaviti svoja najnovija jackpot rešenja Gods & Kings Link, Supreme Combo Link i Ultra Tap Link, nudeći savršenu kombinaciju uzbudljivih igara i visokih šansi za pobedu. Multigameovi Winner Selection 3 i 4, koji sadrže neke od najpopularnijih naslova kompanije EGT i kompatibilni su sa svim slot aparatima iz General Serije, takođe će imati svoj debi na sajmu.
EGT Digital će prikazati svoj bogat portfelj od preko 80 online slot igara koje neprestano dobijaju popularnost na brojnim tržištima širom sveta, kao i unutar kompanije razvijenu sve-u-jednom platformu za klađenje X-Nave, koja uključuje 4 glavna modula: CRM Engine, Sportska klađenja, Casino Aggregator i Payment Gateway. Svaki od njih može biti deo kompletnog rešenja ili raditi nezavisno, jer omogućavaju integraciju sa platformama trećih strana.
EGT je nominovan za ovogodišnji GGA Las Vegas u kategoriji Snabdevača za industriju sa fiksnom lokacijom godine. Šta nam možete reći o ovom priznanju?
Ponosni smo što je naša kompanija među finalistima u kategoriji Snabdevača za industriju sa fiksnom lokacijom godine u prestižnom takmičenju Global Gaming Awards. EGT je dobio to priznanje zahvaljujući visokokvalitetnim proizvodima i uslugama koje su mu doneli mesto među vodećim kompanijama u globalnoj industriji igara na sreću, sa prisustvom u više od 100 jurisdikcija na 5 kontinenata.
EGT Digitalova platforma za klađenje X-Nave je u poslednje vreme dodala nove module. Šta će prisutni moći da saznaju o ovom rešenju na G2E?
EGT Digitalova X-Nave će biti izložena tokom G2E kako bi se prikazala svoja 4 glavna modula i sve nadogradnje i nove funkcije koje su dodate u poslednjih nekoliko meseci.
Poboljšali smo Sportsbook proizvod sa brojnim novim mehanizmima za promocije i tipovima bonusa, uključujući nove mehanike za bonuse, pojačivače koeficijenata, nove vrste rane isplate, kao i jackpote. Takođe smo poboljšali naše operativne sposobnosti pružajući veliku fleksibilnost u sadržaju sportskog klađenja i upravljanju rizikom.
Rešenje omnichannel za sportske igre na sreću za segment maloprodaje, koje pruža 360-stepeni pristup kako softverskim, tako i hardverskim aspektima poslovanja, takođe će biti dostupno gostima na našem štandu. Raduje nas da najavimo da smo potpisali nekoliko važnih ugovora za naše aggregator rešenje i srećni smo što možemo ponuditi sve module pojedinačno. Kao najnoviji razvoj, tokom G2E ćemo takođe prikazati i naš vlastiti gateway za plaćanje.
EGT i EGT Digital brzo šire svoj portfelj globalno. Koja tržišta su najviši prioriteti, i na koja će se ciljati na G2E? A što se tiče tržišta Severne Amerike, gde se događaj održava, postoje li određeni proizvodi ili planovi u pripremi?
Na G2E ćemo prikazati nekoliko novih jackpotova za tržište Severne Amerike: Gods & Kings Link, Supreme Combo Link i Ultra Tap Link. Očekujemo da će ih lokalna igračka publika srdačno prihvatiti.
Trenutno se EGT uglavnom fokusira na ulazak i jačanje svojih pozicija u različitim zemljama u Aziji i Africi.
Što se tiče EGT Digitala, najviše nas interesuju tržišta na kojima EGT ima snažno prisustvo. To znači evropski kontinent, gde se većina zemalja u kojima smo prisutni nalazi, kao i Latinska Amerika, gde su naši proizvodi za igre na sreću, kako na fiksnim lokacijama, tako i online, vrlo popularni među domaćim igračima.
Na koje druge događaje u industriji planirate da prisustvujete u skorijoj budućnosti?
Nakon G2E, EGT će tradicionalno zatvoriti ovogodišnju izložbenu sezonu na BEGE Expo u Sofiji, a kalendar EGT Digitala takođe uključuje učešće na SIGMA Europe, koja će se održati na Malti u novembru.
EGT to exhibit its latest technological advancements at Belgrade Future Gaming
22 May 2023Top performers and numerous innovations will await the visitors of EGT’s stand E1 at Belgrade Future Gaming 2023. The event will gather operators, players and industry experts for another year in a row on 30 and 31 May.
Among the main highlights in the product selection of the Bulgarian manufacturer will be the new cabinet Phoenix, which will make its local debut at the show. Featuring 27-inch monitors, a keyboard with dynamic touch display and electromechanical buttons and powered by the latest Exciter IV platform, it has the potential to become one of the most successful EGT’s products in Serbia. The model will reveal the rich gaming world of the multigames of General Series, including the newest addition Bonus Prize General HD, consisting of 14 titles on different themes and with attractive bonus features. The company’s jackpot family will be presented by the well-known Jackpot Cards, Premium Link, Sands Princess, the absolute bestseller Bell Link, as well as the multi-level Gods & Kings Link, which will appeal to those tempted to dive into adventures in magical worlds inhabited by mysterious divine characters.
The roulette G R6 C and the terminal G 27 T of EGT’s multiplayer portfolio will also be on display to demonstrate their attractive design, numerous ergonomic features and great flexibility, allowing many possible configurations with other devices.
The visitors of the show will have the opportunity to test the new functionalities of EGT’s casino management system Spider as well.
EGT’s subsidiary EGT Digital will also participate in the exhibition. The iGaming provider will show its rich portfolio of instant and slot games, jackpot solutions, as well as its in-house developed all-in-one betting platform X-Nave, including four main products, which could be both part of the complete solution or operate separately as they are capable of being integrated with third parties.
Aleksandar Kliska, General Director of EGT Group d.o.o. Serbia, commented: “Belgrade Future Gaming is very important for us as it gives us the chance to meet with so many of our current and potential customers and showcase them all our innovations, which helps us to strengthen our leadership positions in the region.”
EGT and EGT Digital will be platinum sponsors of Casino Operations Summit in Bucharest
25 Apr 2023EGT and its subsidiary EGT Digital will be platinum sponsors of Casino Operations Summit, which will take place on 25-27 April in Bucharest.
Traditionally, keynote speakers will talk about the hot topics in the industry. The novelty for the 2023 edition is that the event agenda will include multi-channel and online aspects of the gaming sector along with the land-based.
In addition, the guests will have the opportunity to see and test some of EGT’s latest and highly-potential slot cabinets from the General Series, which will be on display on a stand in the lobby of Radisson Blu Hotel. The Bulgarian manufacturer will present the G 50 J2 St, G 50 J1 St, and G 50 V St models, standing out with frameless HD displays with exceptional visual clarity and numerous ergonomic features, providing players with maximum comfort. Powered by Exciter III and Exciter IV platforms, they will reveal the rich gaming world of Blue General HD and Bonus Prize General HD multigame mixes, as well as the 4-level jackpot Bell Link, which already established itself as an absolute bestseller in a number of markets around the world.
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