Phoenix Cabinets

PH 27-27 ST

PH 27-27 ST

Optimized for next-level gaming

The Slant Top version of our two 27-inch monitor Phoenix slot machine is here. Its exquisite design and ergonomic features ensure maximum comfort, while the video and audio capabilities, along with the latest EGT software, provide an optimal gaming experience.

PH 27-27 ST

Optimized for next-level gaming

The Slant Top version of our two 27-inch monitor Phoenix slot machine is here. Its exquisite design and ergonomic features ensure maximum comfort, while the video and audio capabilities, along with the latest EGT software, provide an optimal gaming experience.


phoenix 27 27 st for scheme
phoenix 27 27 st


Height with topper: 1980 mm
Height without topper: 1450 mm
Width: 620 mm
Depth: 610 mm

Download scheme

Required Voltage

100-240V AC

Operating Temperature

+10°C – +30°C

Operating Humidity

20% – 80%

Peripheral Devices

Bill acceptor (JCM, CashCode, MEI)
Coin acceptor (Money Controls, Coin Mechanisms), optional
Hopper (Suzo), optional
Ticket printer (TransAct Tech Inc., FutureLogic), optional

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